grow minds, open hearts and action on practical wisdom, together

Leading up to this week's Search Inside Yourself (SIY) Online Program, we did a fun project.

We sat down (in-person and virtually) with the co-facilitators and talked about things you don't get to hear them talk about during the training program itself. And yes, one of them is our CoFounder Val!

Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute has more than 800 certified teachers spread across every single continent in the world. And what was most interesting during our one year of Certified Teachers Training was meeting other teachers.

Now take a trip with us, to San Francisco 🌉.

In your mind of course :)

This was March 2019. Imagine walking with us into an auditorium filled with 100 other human beings who had arrived from different countries. We speak different languages. We do different things for a living. Academic professors, business executives, scientists, coaches, engineers, Zen practitioners, creatives, consultants, psychologists, entrepreneurs, etc. And one word brought all of us into the same room.


As we sat down side-by-side to begin our one year journey together as a new cohort of teachers, our minds wandered to the following curiosities:

“What brought you here?”

“What was your mindfulness journey like?”

“What do you care about?”

“How or where or who would you bring this training to?”

This is what prompted us to begin this fun project - a series video call #Teatime With _____________.

We wanted to know these amazing human beings, beyond their role as facilitators for the SIY program.

What do they care about? What do they want to share with the world at large?

To move away from the usual line of questions, we took inspiration from Tim Ferris’s book - Tribe Of Mentors. In it, he shared a compilation of tools, tactics, and habits from 130+ of the world’s top performers to answer some of life’s most challenging questions, achieve extraordinary results, and transform lives.

Side-bar: When you read the book, do not skip the introduction. Tim Ferriss talked about how he arrived at the 11 questions he asked these top performers and how the way their sequencing matters. “If you want uncommon clarity and results, ask uncommonly clear questions.” We wholeheartedly agree with him.

Enough said. Let’s dive in. (in alphabetical order)

TEAtime with Jeremy Lipkowitz part I (3:49 mins)

Find out more about Jeremy’s work here.

Tell me more about SIY Online Program (Nov 17-19). Special discount included

TEAtime with Val Tan part I (3:53 mins)

Find out more about Val’s work here.

Tell me more about SIY Online Program (Nov 17-19). Special discount included

TEAtime with Jeremy Lipkowitz part II (2:55 mins)

TEAtime with Val Tan part II (4:22 mins)

Sharing is caring. Share these insightful videos with friends, workplace team members, and more. Perhaps even use these questions as icebreakers to get to know each other at your next gathering, workshop, or meeting.

M Meditation