We all want to do our best
“May I be kind to myself in this moment.”
Take a moment and repeat the above statement to yourself, May I be kind to myself in this moment.
What do you feel in your body?
Perhaps a sense of calmness...
Or maybe a sense of everything is going to be ok.
In her TED talk, Dr Kristin Neff, a leading researcher on self-compassion shared:
Self-compassion is very strongly related to mental well being.
It's strongly related to less depression, less anxiety, less stress, less perfectionism.It's equally strongly related to positive states like happiness, life satisfaction, and linked to greater motivation, taking greater self-responsibility, making healthier lifestyle changes, better interpersonal relationships.
Here's the thing.
No matter how our lives may seem perfect to the outside world, every human being, has at one moment or another, experienced failures, setbacks, anxiety, worry, self-doubt, perfectionism, discouragement, etc..
And we all know why.
Because we want to do our best and be our best in every moment. We want to get it right. We don't want to disappoint others; and most of all, we don't want to disappoint ourselves.
What if, in these moments of imperfections, self-doubt, anxiety, and setbacks...
We practice self-compassion instead of self-criticism?
Let's try that right now, shall we?
🤓 We know you might in the office reading this. You don't have to go to a quiet corner, close your eyes, or even do this exercise out loud.
Simply keep your attention on the screen and practice with us.
For the next 30 secs, repeat the following phrase while you breathe — normally — just like you're already doing.
Breathing in, I do my best.
Breathing out, I let go of the rest.
Whenever you're ready, scroll down and start practicing.
Tip: Right click or control+click on the image and download it as your wallpaper/screen-saver as a visual reminder to #bekindtoyourself!
Nicely done!
How did it go for you? 📩 Comment below and let us know. 📩
We'd love to know if this was helpful, so we can keep creating content and sharing resources that help you do your best!
💡 Since it's Mental Health Awareness month, let's practice this simple exercise for the month of May. Join us here and we can cheer you on!
💡 If you'd like to learn more about the science behind self-compassion and what it can do for you:
Watch Dr. Kristen Neff's TED Talk here
Check out the upcoming Search Inside Yourself Program - where you'll learn practical exercise like this and more
💡 We find this this exercise super helpful when overcome with overwhelm; anxiously anticipating an outcome; or in the middle of a challenging interaction with someone. If you know someone — a friend, colleague, or client — who can benefit from this exercise, take a min and forward this resource to them. 👇👇👇 (They’ll thank you for it!)